Non-dairy Cashew Creamer


Non-dairy Cashew Creamer

  • What's in it?

Filtered water, cashews, dates, vanilla bean

  • Want the recipe?

Karen Malkin Health Counseling, Karen's Homemade Cashew Cream

  • Why do I like it?

I am always looking for great alternatives to dairy products and this one is great.  It is super easy to make, you don't have to soak the nuts or strain them.  It is versatile - Karen suggests you serve it with coffee or over berries.  I used it as a milk substitute with Living Intentions Superfood Cereal.  It is creamy and decadent.  Also, unlike store bought, packaged non-dairy milks, this doesn't have any chemicals, thickeners or other mystery ingredients!

  • Any recipe notes or tweaks?

I didn't make any changes but have the following notes on preparation:

Soak the dates in hot water until soft so they will incorporate well.  Drain them and pat dry before you add to the blender.

Make sure your vanilla bean is somewhat soft.  If not you can soak it in hot water like the dates.  I cut the vanilla bean in half crosswise then lengthwise with a kitchen scissors.  I then open the bean and scrape out the seeds and add to the blender. 

I use room temperature filtered water.