Plant Based Reset with 5 day Juice/Smoothie Fast

Plant Based Reset with 5 Day Juice/Smoothie Fast

  • What's in it?

This is a 5 week on-line course with a private Facebook Group.  There are weekly meal plans (recipes included), instructions and inspiration.  Week 2 includes a 5 day juice/smoothie fast!

  • Where did I find it?

Clean Food Dirty Girl, Plant Based Reset 2017
  • Why do I like it?

I have tried juice fasts where you buy 3 days worth of juice and they were so awful, I had to stop after the first day!  

This time around was great for the following reasons:

I had already found this site and was subscribing to their weekly meal plans.

I have been eating vegan for 3 years so no need to wean off meat/dairy.

The week before I cut all sugar and junk/snacking foods.

The online community was fantastic!

The worksheets/weekly online seminars/support was great.

They give you a few juice and smoothie recipes and encourage you to experiment and create  your own.  This is so much better than buying juice that might have ingredients that you don't like in them.

Making the juice fresh at home from organic ingredients tastes so much better than store bought juice.

  • Want to try it?  Click here.  This reset is held annually so check the site for the next date it will be offered.


  • Want to make some of the juices and smoothies pictured above?  Go to the juice + smoothies tab inside the recipe collection on my blog, or click here.