Macadamia Nut Cheese Spread

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Macadamia Nut Cheese Spread

  • What’s in it?

    Macadamia nuts (raw, not roasted), water, nutritional yeast, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic (fresh), salt

  • Want the recipe?

    Ricki Heller, Macadamia-Rosemary Cheese

  • Why do I like it?

    One of the hardest things about going vegan is giving up cheese. Most of the non-diary cheeses sold have questionable ingredients like processed soy products, weird gums, fillers, oils, etc. So I much prefer to make my own at home. This recipe is very easy to make, especially since it doesn’t require soaking the nuts prior.

    It comes out spreadable, tangy and with great flavor over all.

  • Any recipe notes or tweaks?

    I used less garlic as I find raw garlic to be very sharp, so I cut back to one small clove instead of the 2 cloves the recipe calls for. I didn’t measure so I’m not certain about exactly how much, but you can adjust to your personal taste.

    Alternately, I have made this recipe using 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder in place of fresh garlic. I really liked how it tasted and plan to make it with garlic powder from now on.

    Additionally, I omitted the rosemary and found it really didn’t need it, but if you like rosemary I would recommend you try adding it to yours!

    Note - some of the nuts might not break down completely. I use the tamper but still end up with a few pieces of macadamia nuts that got away!